Here is a video I found interesting from YouTube about thought control. The device is called "Brain Gate". Similar to Honda's BMI technology except its transplanted directly into the recipients brain as opposed to Honda's helmet that picks up signals on the surface of the scalp. Research like this which has been going now since the 1970's really is really starting to pick up momentum. a quick search on google for BCI (brain-computer interface) shows that there are at least 7 organizations including DARPA (I guess cyborg soldiers aren't that far off after all)that have been developing these BCI's. I'm sure you can think of a few possibilities for technology like this(helping the paralyzed) but have you considered how far this could go? I wonder if there is a potential solution to the immortality quest I'm on in this. It's certainly been speculated in much science fiction about being able to use some sort of merging between man and machine. A few scientists like Theodore Berger are working on a brain chip that allows an increase your memory capacity but also believes that being able to upload information to your brain (possibly a lifetimes worth) is very achievable.Ellen McGee, associate of bioethics at Long Island Center for Ethics agrees that with cloning all but accomplished that leaves BCI to complete the eternity equation
McGee speculated that with some scientists stating that were able to upload our memories onto a chip in about 30 years and then put it into a clone you could achieve a type of immortality.The question is what kind?
For some further info on researchers:
1)Dr. Kennedy's BCI company called Neural Signals
2)Article on Theodore Berger's BCI at Popsci
Image above is of a a non-invasive BCI. A mental typewriter in which the man is thinking of what he wants the computer to type out.
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