Places to Donate to Anti-Aging Research

Ever wondered where you can go to donate to anti-aging research? There are a couple of facebook groups around gathering members to eventually donate simultaneously towards SENS research.

1) is the first group whos purpose is that once they reach 1 million members everyone will donate $100 for SENS research.

The purpose of this group is to raise $100 million for research into regenerative therapies that could reverse human aging in our lifetime: SENS (the "Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence"). The goal of SENS is nothing less than the defeat of age-related disease and the indefinite extension of the healthy human lifespan.

The SENS research program is run by the SENS Foundation, a non-profit organization based in California. The Foundation's website is:

2)This group has the exact same idea except with a lower member goal of 10,000 instead of 1 million members. There goal is to reach the $1 million mark. Go here is interested

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