German Scientists Discover Gene Directly Linked to Aging; Next Up, Immortality?

A better understanding of the longevity gene lands us closer to eternal youth.
Perk up, Peter Thiel: if our brains aren’t transplanted into robot bodies some time soon, we can always bank on human immortality. Researchers at Kiel University in Germany believe they’ve discovered a gene that is linked directly to the aging process. This opens up new opportunities for research focusing on how to prolong human life.

According to KurzweilAI, the scientists were studying a freshwater animal called the polyp Hydra, unique because its plethora of stem cells make it “capable of continuous proliferation,” rendering it effectively immortal. By studying the FoxO gene (also called the “longevity gene”) in animals, scientists now know that the gene has an impact on the production of stem cells:
The study has two major conclusions: It confirms that the FoxO gene plays a decisive role in the maintenance of stem cells, and thus determines the life span of animals; and it shows that aging and longevity of organisms depend on two factors: the maintenance of stem cells and the maintenance of a functioning immune system.
If scientists can figure out how to effectively maintain both stem cells and a functioning immune system, we’d be one step closer to realizing our longevity dreams.

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