I love to listen to controversial theories especially from Frank J. Tipler. I first read his work back in 1999's "The physics of immortality" in which he talks about the omega point being a mechanism for immortality and resurrection in which he believes will come from a super computer intelligence that he identifies with god.
He explains that "life is basically computing" in the documentary Technocalyps. He says that we will explore the universe through a form of virtual humanism. The universe will be converted into one giant cosmic computer network that will be all knowing, self sufficient.
According to the law of gravitation the universe will not keep expanding and is slowing down then it will contract again and evolves into the omega point which is beyond space and time. This omega point will be omnipotent, omnipresent, and all knowing thus is it god. This god network will resurrect us again. he belives that god goes back in our time and give us clues on how to create him back into the omega point.
A review in the well respected journal "NATURE" by gerorge ellis stated that it is:
"a masterpiece of pseudoscience ... the product of a fertile and creative imagination unhampered by the normal constraints of scientific and philosophical discipline". Pseudoscience it may be but still very entertaining and original pseudoscience.
In Tipler's new 2007 book "The physics of christianity" he weaves the idea of the omega point's theory as being important to christianity and that the omega point is the Judeo-christian god.
Personally i thought he went way over board in this book in trying to bridge the gap between science and religion, but in the end i wasn't too disappointed because it was entertaining and original.
If you'd like more information you can check out Frank Tipler's website -->HERE<--
If you'd like to check out his books at amazon go -->HERE<--
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