Its a funny thing when you have had asthma for the better part of 13 years and have been to numerous asthma experts all of which only prescribe you a generalized inhaler and none of which can really tell you the cause, cure or ways to really protect yourself against getting it. Then suddenly you read a casual article on the net that citrus relieves asthma and you have something of an answer.
Some people think that because they didn't get it as a child they will never get it. The reality is that you CAN get it at any age. One of the biggest factors is genetics which gives you 25% better chance at getting it if your parents had allergies. other cause can be from your environment(eg.dust mites, which are in virtually everyone's house and pollen).
Alas there is hope. you may still be able to reduce damage cause by frequent asthma attacks. Duh -Duh -DA-- DAAAAA. Its citrus to the rescue.
Pretty much all citrus fruits such as grapefruit,oranges,lemons,limes helps reduce your risk of getting asthma. Its thought that the Vitamin C in citrus fruits facilitates the breathe easier effects. Also by eating these fruits you'll get a natural boost of antioxidants that are well documented in having anti aging properties
Other more commonly known recommendations usually made by asthma specialists include:
- avoid dust mite waste. You can get a pillow casing to cover your pillow of as least 1 micron. Also wash your pillow cases and bed sheets at least weekly. Ive gone one step further myself and purchased a casing for my mattress as well.
- The obvious one is to quit smoking ASAP
- avoid high pollen count days. You can usually get information about this from your local weather station or on the net.(the weather network is great for this). I know this is a tough one but if you reduce your outdoor exposure at peak times in the day it may be worth the effort.
- the other obvious one is to avoid any kind of air pollution like from cars. Roll up your window if you are in traffic
I know some of these recommendations will make your wallet a little lighter but I truly believe that the best investment you can make is in your health
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