Threescore and 17.9: Longevity Rises

Death rates are at a record low and life expectancy is at a record high in the United States, according to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Preliminary data for 2007, released on Aug. 19, show that death rates have decreased to 760.3 per 100,000 from 776.5 in 2006, and a baby born in 2007 can expect to live 77.9 years, compared with 77.7 for one born in 2006.

Age-adjusted death rates decreased significantly for 8 of the 15 leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular disease, accidents, diabetes, influenza, high blood pressure and assaults.

The decreases in death rate held across all races and ethnicities, with black males showing the largest decrease — more than 4 percent. The drop occurred in all age groups except infants under 1 year old, where rates were unchanged.

Kenneth D. Kochanek, a co-author of the report and a statistician with the National Center for Health Statistics, said the findings were welcome.

“We want all leading causes of death to go down and life expectancy to go up,” Mr. Kochanek said. “That’s good news, but it doesn’t make the front page of the paper because it’s nothing spectacular.”

1 comment:

tonyon said...

...interstellar travel (immortals 2)... Cloning? to the Future...your recorded Memory to the new body and...Immortality... For us is too soon for hook to the 1st Immortal Generation. Who knows...tucked in liquid nitrogen at 200 ÂșC below zero not can feel the passes of Time. When after 500 years make open your eyes again and someone says...Hello!! will believe that the Goodbye was just a moment ago... Where am I?...(applause, shouts, laughter...) in Biomedical Recovery Center. What day is today?...July 21 of 7,015; was selected, centuries ago, in a Planetary Convention the beginning of the Bronze Age like History starts... If I was...oh Goddess...give a mirror...are you sure?...yes...aarrghghgg... Do not worry, at once we print a new body to your size. Take, choose in your Catalog. Let´s see...this to the "athletic" same...ok. And your Princess, how old are you?...these things do not ask to a woman. You have recovered faster. Come on, your new life awaits you. Wow!...has broken me a leg to put it on the floor... Do not worry that we carry to you with open arms to the Mom-Printer, you just have that let to it your genes. Printer will restore and use as a basis, this ancient body of yours for make to you again. Will we see us again?...perhaps on vacation because you have stayed near, in the X planet of the star Vega.